2010年9月29日 星期三


     Today is TEACHER’S DAY. But today I and my dog KIKI walk to park .In this moment KIKI run away ,and I run run run .I am very angry about KIKI, because I called KIKI and he do not care about me. When I called KIKI he run faster than first time. Can you believe in this world have like this bad dogI dont want talk this anymore. I just want to say I wish KIKI will be good dog in future. Today I feel borned . I want have the breaktime, and I want to go KOREA .
Wish in future everyday is make me happy

2 則留言:

  1. Hi, Amber, this is really very funny about your dog, KIKI. You let me laugh when I see this diary. haha~ ^ ^

  2. Hi, Amber:
    It seems that you should train KiKi so that he will follow your instructions. I hope that you can have one central key point for every blog entry you write in the future. In the beginning of this blog, you mentioned that it's teacher's day, but then you didn't talk about anything related to it. Then, you talk about your pet, KiKi, which seems to be the main point of this blog. Finally, you suddenly mentioned that you would like to go to Korea. I hope that you have a more consistent blog entries in the future.
